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Lifespan Calculator

Please enter the relevant information:
{{currentDate?(currentDate.toLocaleDateString().split('/')[0]+"year"+currentDate.toLocaleDateString().split('/')[1]+"month "+currentDate.toLocaleDateString().split('/')[2]+"day"):""}}
Lifespan Calculator

"Life calculator" is also called "life calculator", "death calculator", it can be based on the person's height, weight, state of mind and other information to calculate the length of life, the real meaning of the life calculator is to tell people to cherish life, precious life every day.Calculator answer is provided by the rest of my life is based on the researchers to the person's gender, age, living habits and mentality is the sum of the analysis of data, but from the entire people's health, for the rest of the calculator also can only say it's a kind of recreational life prediction with probabilistic game, only this the Lifespan Calculator calculation result has a certain scientific basis, so you also need not too seriously calculated results.Although there's a certain entertainment, but from the calculation results can be roughly understand the life of their own situation, bad living habit is the key to reduce the life reason, pessimistic attitude is killing a poison, want to health and longevity, will care of your health, exercise is necessary, keep a good state of mind is the key to a happy life.